Somdej Kru Temple, Khlong Khom

Phra Somdej Kru Wat Khlong Khom Luang Pu Suk, Pak Khlong Temple, Makham Thao.

For reference. Please don't ask why the price is not expensive for a good amulet. This is the current price in Thailand. Maybe it may move up in future. Nonetheless, don't under estimate it's price. There're tons of fakes/replicas with dubious certificates. By the way, this price is not cheap for a normal Thai. It's about a day's wage for a mid income Singaporean. Invest within your means. Don't go for those exotic amulets which are beyond your budget. The lower end jobs such as farming and manufacturing pay is very low. Industry average for manufacturing and labour jobs are typically 6000-8000 baht per month. If you live away from big cities, even if you have a degree depending on your job, you're unlikely to make more than 10,000 baht per month. The average Thai daily is about 300 baht at the time of this writing!
