Concerns of groups such as women, minorities, LGBTQ are important, cannot be dismissed as ‘illegitimate or exaggerated’: Lawrence Wong

Concerns of groups such as women, minorities, LGBTQ are important, cannot be dismissed as ‘illegitimate or exaggerated’: Lawrence Wong


Published NOVEMBER 23, 2021

Updated NOVEMBER 23, 2021

Jacky Ho for the Institute of Policy Studies

Mr Wong spoke about the growing trend of identity politics and tribalism dividing countries despite the efforts of their governments to forge a common nationality.

Different groups in society have valid concerns linked to their identities, and Singapore should not deny them rights to advocate for change, said Finance Minister Lawrence Wong

On its part, the Government will do its utmost to listen, and act as a fair and honest broker, he said

He was speaking at a conference on identity politics, where he noted rising divisiveness elsewhere arising from tribalist mindsets

Mr Wong suggested five approaches on the way forward for Singapore

Among them, he called for people to adopt a “trader” instinct, which entails working towards reciprocity, trust and mutual benefit


SINGAPORE — Different segments of Singapore’s population, whose identities may be linked to things such as their gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation, have concerns that are important and cannot be dismissed as illegitimate or exaggerated, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said on Tuesday (Nov 23).

“That is what a fair and just society must mean. And we cannot — in the name of avoiding the dangers of identity politics — deny the rights of a variety of groups to organise themselves, so as to gain recognition for their concerns, or seek to improve their conditions,” Mr Wong added.

For its part, the Government will not let any group feel unheard, excluded or ostracised, he said.

Delivering a keynote speech at a conference on identity organised by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)  and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Mr Wong spoke about the growing trend of identity politics and tribalism dividing countries despite the efforts of their governments to forge a common nationality.

The minister last spoke on the topic of race in June at another IPS-RSIS conference, following a spate of racist incidents at the time.


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On Tuesday, he noted how other aspects of identity have surfaced since then, surrounding gender, sex or other causes that people feel strongly about.

“This is not surprising: The natural instinct of humans is to look out for those who are most like us. Around the world, we see the rise of what we might call a ‘new tribalism’ in politics, or ‘identity politics’ as it is commonly described,” he said.

In ethnically homogeneous countries like Poland, for example, a “new tribalism” between people emerged out of differences in views on LGBTQ (lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender or queer) rights, with supporters and opposers of LGBTQ rights in a standoff.

Melting pot societies like the United States, too, have seen the rise of tribalism and identity politics based on which political party they support, causing even public health measures like mask-wearing or vaccination to become markers of such identities, noted Mr Wong.

He suggested that the rise of tribalism was linked closely to the rise of individualism as the “reigning ethos”, which came at the expense of community and weakened connections between people. This has caused them to fall back on such primeval defences that run deep in human societies when they feel lonely and alienated.

“Tribalism is inherently exclusionary, and it’s based on mutual hate: ‘us’ versus ‘them’, ‘friend’ versus ‘foe’. Once this sort of tribal identity takes root, it becomes difficult to achieve any compromise,” said Mr Wong. “Because when we anchor our politics on identity, any compromise seems like dishonour.”


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Singapore, too, cannot assume that its harmony is solid or permanent, as Singaporeans’ identities are formed from a diverse racial mix of three major Asian civilisational complexes — China, India, and Southeast Asia — with none of the long history or indigenous cultures in these civilisations to hold Singapore together, said Mr Wong.

Before the 1964 race riots, Singapore experienced “a far more violent conflict” between Hokkiens and Teochews in 1854 that had led to more than 400 killed, more wounded, and about 300 houses burned in more than 10 days of riots, he said. The sectarian clash, according to historical records, came about due to a rebellion in China.

“It seems astounding to us today, but barely 150 years ago, tribal identities among Chinese here in Singapore trumped their racial, cultural or national identity as Chinese,” he said.

“Can we then really be sure, with the rise of China, India and Southeast Asia, that Singaporean nationalism will not deconstruct again into Chinese, Indian and Malay nationalisms?” asked Mr Wong.

He said Singapore has managed to avoid serious conflicts because its founding leaders went to great lengths to put in place measures to safeguard our racial and religious harmony.

This meant tough action such as the Internal Security Act and short-term unpopular policies such as making English the main medium of instruction in schools, and the Housing and Development Board’s Ethnic Integration Programme.


The Big Read: High time to talk about racism, but Singapore society ill-equipped after decades of treating it as taboo

“This harmonious state of affairs will always be on a knife-edge; so it needs constant attention and careful management,” he said.

Two recent webinars organised by TODAY and that were broadcast live on Instagram and TikTok also discussed issues of identity. One, on race and religion, focused on how social media and the Covid-19 pandemic has affected race relations and Singaporeans’ perceptions of racial and religious issues. 

In the second, panelists discussed LGBTQ issues, such as the discrimination they face, media representation of the LGBTQ community and how individuals can make a difference by having constructive conversations about these matters.


Instead of ignoring identities and tribes, Singapore has to recognise that the pull of identity politics arises from real differences in lived realities as a starting point.

Mr Wong suggested five possible approaches to address the competing demands of diverse identity groups while maintaining a cohesive and harmonious society.

Strengthen human relationships

Firstly, he advocated for Singaporeans to strengthen their spirit of reciprocity and kinship at the daily level, which would ultimately increase the mutual trust between people.

“We must be good friends, good neighbours, good Samaritans,” he said.

While the Government cannot compel people to build relationships, it can work to gird social norms — in caring for others, kindness and graciousness — that bring people together.

Avoid stereotyping groups of people

Mr Wong said people should avoid assuming that each community is monolithic or homogenous.

Referring to his previous speech on race, Mr Wong said the phrase “Chinese privilege” is a form of stereotype — a female Chinese from a poor background would have a vastly different lived experience compared to a male Chinese from a wealthy family, for example.

“Minorities especially are subject to such prejudices; and all of us must be more conscious of the stereotypes we might harbour. We must avoid reducing our understanding of each other to a single dimension,” he said.

Mr Wong added: “We may be Chinese, Malay, Indian, Eurasian, or any other race. But we are first and foremost Singaporeans. Likewise, regardless of our gender or sexual orientations, regardless of the cause we champion, we are all Singaporeans, first and foremost.

Singaporeans are traders by nature

While humans are tribalists, Singaporeans are also traders by nature, said Mr Wong, noting Singapore’s entrepot history. Traders are characterised by the desire to explore the unknown, meet new people to trade and live with, grounded on norms of reciprocity, trust and mutual benefit.

“This same instinct is crucial in setting the tone of our society,” said Mr Wong.

We must continue in this vein — continue to engage with one another, cooperate and work towards mutual benefit. We must do so not only with those outside Singapore, but also between different segments of Singaporeans as well.”

That means listening, understanding, compromising and negotiating for win-win outcomes, knowing that the community will be stronger by cooperation, he said.

Giving hope through inclusive growth

Mr Wong added that the Government must continue to give Singaporeans reason to “hope and a fair chance to have a good life”, noting the rising inequalities elsewhere in the world that have led to economic woes and, consequently, extreme politics.

“We must never allow this to happen in Singapore. So we will continue to work hard to promote inclusive growth, and to ensure that all Singaporeans can succeed in their pursuits,” he said.

Through this, Singapore will be able to break out of having a zero-sum mindset, in which the success of one group comes at the expense of another.

Government as a fair and honest broker

Undergirding this is the Government’s duty to be fair and honest, even with the difficulties in establishing consensus on controversial issues.

“In such cases, the Government will do our utmost to recognise the challenges and needs of different groups, decide on the appropriate policy, and convince the rest of society that this is a fair way to move forward,” said Mr Wong, referring to policies such as the HDB Ethnic Integration Policy and the Special Assistance Plan for school.

Mr Wong said the authorities will never waver from its commitment to work with people to broaden common space, and to build a society where every Singaporean can express their views and be empowered to effect positive change.

“We may not always arrive at a perfect solution,” he said.

“But we will never let any group feel unheard, ignored or excluded. We will never let any group feel boxed in or ostracised. All must feel they are part of the Singapore conversation, all must feel they are part of the Singapore family, all must feel there is hope.”



