LP Dam Pidta, Wat Kuti,


Original & Beautiful

For Reference

circa 2432-2442 (1889-1899)


Phra Phut Nur Takua Pasom Parod(Embedded with wolf teeth) - lead mixed with mercury, this piece special with more on mercury (Parod) Powerful amulet to give wearer strength, courage and bravery to ride the tide of tough environment and to overcome all difficulties. Amulet for real tough guy ! Wolf teeth is good not only for preventing of black magic, it is good for against any back stabbing or sabotage by enemies. Like Chinese say - 劈小人 ! In the same era as Luang Pho Niam, Wat Noi, LP Suk Wat Pah Kong Makam Tao, LP Yiam Wat Nang etc. with similar Ancient Wicha of making effacious amulets using lead mixed with mercury and herbs. Lead materials are believe to easily receive or retain magical properties and mercury are for wealth fetching, protecting aura, expelling evil spirits, and strong cosmic light. But price wise is just fraction of LP Niam amulets ! As LP Niam amulets are mostly at 4 figure and above! Around 130 years ago, in the Prachinburi province, Villagers saw a seating statue in the deserted ancient Wat Kuti for several days. Some villagers intend to go near the deserted temple and have a look, to their surprise it is not statue and it is a monk in deep meditation. Thereafter, the villagers found that he is a Khmer monk with tanned dark skin, henceforth they address him as Luang Phor Dam. Dam means black Color in Thai. Villagers kindly invited LP Dam to resided in Wat Kuti as they feel confident that he is a compassionate and highly attained master, since they saw him in meditation for more than a week without food or water. There is a pair of lead Singha at the front of the Main temple, many times children from village steal it back home but the pair of Lead Singha will mysteriously go back to the temple next morning. At that time economic was very bad, villagers in the province were very poor, hardly have rice to consume and also very timid due to many black magic prevails in that region. LP Dam out of compassion decided to make amulets to exchange for rice for villagers and give them courage to endure difficult times. He decided to use the pair of ancient lead Singha as Athan (magic materials)for making amulets. LP Dam is good in Wicha Lae Dha (means control of metallic elements) and this ancient Wicha is similar to what LP Niam Wat Noi, as it requires strong meditation physic power to control 4 elements and in past era only a handful of masters can achieve this capability, example like LP Niam Wat Noi, LP Ngern Wat Bangklan, LP Thub Wat Thong, LP Derm Wat NongPho, Lp Kane, etc In the olden days to get mercury it requires to put the rotten eggs in a forest with rotten leaves piled up, in order to Lured mercury into the rotten waste in the egg and then spell it with magic to prevent the mercury from escaping. Mercury hardens, does not flow out and must be taken to simmer for mixing with lead. Like the Reverend Father Niam Wat Noi at Suphan, he will take mercury and simmer in a Chinese enameled wine jar for several days, at the same time incantation of four elements energy. LP Dam went thudong in forest and intend to collect mercury himself using the rotten egg method. One day while in the forest, LP Dam saw wolves and tigers fighting, to his surprise the wolf out of courage and brave, did not retreat ! Out of compassion, LP Dam use Wicha Arkom to suppress and manage to chase the tiger away. However, the wolf was badly injured and almost at dying stage, out of sympathy LP Dam give the blessing / merits to the wolf for better rebirth next life. At the same time, LP Dam pick up those broken wolf teeth and request it to be make with amulets for giving protection, courage and bravery to amulets wearer. This way the wolf can receive more merits for next better rebirth. Also LP Dam found another spot where he saw many dead wolves remains (mostly are caused by fighting with other animals in the forest), similarly LP Dam give the blessing for merits and retrieve the tooth of the wolves remains. LP Dam make the amulet with lead and mercury using his ancient Wicha which take many days to prepare with herbs as well, the method was similar to reverend LP Niam Wat Noi. Lp Dam wrap the broken wolf teeth with ancient paper wrap written with magic formula, and mould with the lead mercury at high temperature. LP Dam use the amulets to exchange rice with Rice Traders at Saraburi. Initially, no one interested as LP Dam is a Khmer monk and not famous. After there was incident that robber unable to fire when they try to rob a person wearing LP Dam amulet. It seem that robbers unable to fire a single shot. Also worst incident was another case where robber try to fire a shot, the gun exploded and harm the robber himself. Thereafter, all LP Dam amulets were exchanged with rice within a short period of time. It was believed that LP Dam amulets were strongly incanted with Wicha Maha Gan (strong Buddha protection and those who try to cause harm will reflect back to origin) As Prachinburi is rural area, population is very Low compare to areas, people residing there are quite poor and land there not fertile like central Thailand. LP Dam made the amulets for villagers to have protection and also with the wolf fang embedded to encourage brave and courage living in a tough environment. 介绍给大家认识来自柬埔寨的大师,Luang Phor Dum, Wat Kuti,到今天还是很多泰国人非常尊敬的一位大师,尤其在泰国Prachinburi省被列为法术高强的神僧之一。师傅是一名步行僧,从柬埔寨的森林里走到了泰国的Prachinburi就看到一个破烂的老寺庙,就在里头打坐休息,一打坐就打坐了一个星期不动,连饭都不吃,水都不喝,开始引起附近村民的主意。首先村民看到师傅,还以为是一尊佛像,因为动都不懂,象石头一样。村长接近看看,才发现师傅在呼吸,就跟师傅打了招呼。师傅皮肤比较黑,村民就称呼他为Luang Phor “Dum”,也就是黑的意思。师傅的来历没人清楚,只知道他来自柬埔寨,也看到他能像石头一样不动的长期打坐,就知道师傅肯定不是一般般的和尚,就要求师傅留下来,把老寺庙称为Wat Kuti。 Wat Kuti寺庙外有一对铅材质的麒麟村里的小孩子都喜欢拿这对狮子当作玩具玩,还常常把它搬回家。但是一到早上,这对麒麟就会在庙前原来的位置,非常神奇。有一次,从附近村子的抢匪半夜来到了村里偷东西,结果看到这对麒麟变活的,追他们,把他们吓跑了。所以村民和师傅都非常尊敬这对麒麟。 有个时期经济非常差,严重影响了村民,生活艰苦,师傅想做一批圣物来筹款给村民找生活费,下定决心用这一对铅的麒麟融化做佛牌。经过念经加持的融化过程后,师傅觉得材料还不够,就决定到森林里寻找大自然的水银来加强佛牌功效。到森林里采取水银不是普通人能做到的,需要有很高的修炼和法术才能成功取到。这个法术需要用到了快发霉的鸡蛋放在石头上,让后开始念经来吸引地下的水银出来饮鸡蛋,再用经文采走水银。 师傅念经招水银时,突然听见树林里有动静,就马上用隐身法术躲起来观察,看到一只很饥饿的狼来把蛋吃了。一个一般只吃肉的野兽肯吃快发霉的蛋,可见是饿了很久。过了一整子,出现了两只凶恶的老虎,准备攻击比他们小好几倍的狼。一般的状况下,狼的第一个反应就是逃,但这只狼顶起头,望着老虎冲,尽全力保护自己的性命。师傅被狼的勇气感动了,也同情狼在打一个不可能赢的战,就念了经文成功赶走两只老虎。 那只狼因为受了重伤,躺在地上呼吸几下就去世了。师傅看到这件事也感觉到是一种缘分,把狼的尸体留在那里也没意义,就决定把这只狼的牙和后来采取的水银一起带回寺庙来加进融化的铅里。做好圣物后,师傅就拿圣物到附近的Saraburi和米商交换米,虽然开始交换了很少米,但是过后因为这些米商携带圣物后遇到很多好的经验,就拿更大数量的米去跟师傅换圣物回来。 这些牌制作的年份在佛历2432年制作,到今天也要130多年了。师傅活在五世皇的年代,也非常接近Somdej Toh亚赞多Wat Rakang的年代。那个时代的步行僧都发力高强,因为他们都在森林里修炼,在森林里也遇见很多奇人,学来的法术来自大自然,也就是全宇宙最强的磁场来源。这些森林里修炼来的法术都不是书上能学来的,加上师傅早期从柬埔寨学来的法术,可是发力高强的神僧。 在当时到今日,携带师傅圣物的信徒都多次分享了刀枪不入,避险避难,辟邪防降头,还有保佑事事顺利的经验和功效。一个材质特别,年份深老,师傅高强,经验多的南传佛教圣物!

Thai translation

Lead Buddha mixed with Mercury Buried Wolf Tooth, Luang Pho Dam, Kuthi Temple, built before 1957. Another sticky line of Prachin Buri, Luang Pho Dam, Wat Kudi, is a pilgrimage of Khmer people coming to remember the rainy season at Wat Kudi. Luang Pho is about the same age as Luang Pho Wat Makham Tao. No one knows your clear history. He has successfully completed the Soror Sor subjects, such as Chao Khun Tao Wat Tan, able to call mercury. He created his own unique blindfolded Buddha. By building from lead and mercury content that you call yourself Therefore, it is considered to be the earliest period of His Majesty. Magical. According to history, this monk was built before 1957. Those who wish to use their sacred objects said that The ultimate invincibility experience is crafted. Reverend Father Dam Is a pilgrim from Cambodia Come to remember the Buddhist Lent at Kuti temple before2500 died long ago His amulet is famous for his great ability to protect you from occult. Various mysteries as well Luang Pho Dam hike here The temple already has an old church. In front of the church is a pair of lead lions. The size is not very big. Children around the temple would like to carry each other to play along the rice fields to have fun. And the strange thing is that this lion Even for children to play and leave on the rice fields In the morning, we will see back and forth in front of the same church every time without anyone knowing who put it in the same place. The origin of lead. Of Luang Por Dam You bring to create your Buddha. Ready to bury the wolf's teeth and solve the mystery History and sacred objects, Luang Pho Dum, Kuti Temple, Changwat Prachinburi, which the history of this Luang Por Dam There is much uncertainty. But had a great experience, famed from generation to generation That is said to be the lead amulet of Reverend Father Dam In those days, during the era of Reverend Grandfather Suk Pak Khlong Makham Tao Temple In Prachin Buri province, where Luang Pho Dum lived in the temple at Kuti temple This Reverend Father Dam has said that he was a pilgrim from Cambodia and came to remember the Buddhist Lent at Kuti Temple. Which has an area that is close to the Cambodian side It is well known that Black magic, black magic, prescription drug, As well as child love spirit It is called the Khmer is very strong. Causing the villagers in that area to be afraid all over Hot to Luang Pho Dam, Kuti Temple. This Luang Pho Dam has a strong discipline. Because he is a monk who likes to hike In the forest, near the border of CambodiaAnd of course, Luang Phor Than himself, he is already a Cambodian monk and must constantly face challenges from the black magic of the Cambodian side while still hiking. This time there was news that the villagers were scared about the occult black magic from the Khmer side. Reverend Father Dam, therefore has mercy to create a sacred object, lead, which is considered to be the first of his generation. Whether it is a lead-molded Buddha amulet, a single blindfolded type (Pufferfish type), as well as a blindfolded type Buddha amulet 5 Also known as the present Puangchompoo eyes closed, 5 sextoys, lead material, Reverend Father Dam, Kuti Temple. In that creation, Reverend Father Dam pressed Phuttha Kom specifically that Protect you from occult, black magic, Various ignorance as well as Petch Kong invulnerability To be safe from spears, swords and all dangers Once Luang Pho Dam was completed Distribute the villagers to carry them together At that time, they had a lot of experience. Whether it's a robber and a fight has occurred. The robber took the gun to shoot. But it appeared that the gun could not fire But this event is not the only event It has been said to many that Not being shot at all Being robbed by a gun but it appears that the gun exploded into the robber himself until he died It is easy to say that even today there is an experience that is not lost at that time. Told that The monk with the wolf's fangs Times when Luang Pho Dam Went hiking in the forest around the border You met a number of wolves And in the carcass there were a few tigers In which this event may be possible that There was a battle between the pack of wolves and displaced tigers. Therefore there are signs of fighting and remains as seen Reverend Father Dam, he looked at this event deeply into the bravery of the wolves. Although it is smaller than 2 times, but the heart is no different from the tigers, even as the word "tiger is lost. Do not belittle the local dog." Reverend Father Dam, you observe this point, so bring the wolf's fangs as part of the arrangement. Create your sacred object. The wolf's fangs are an amulet that Reverend Father Dam wants to spell the magic, invulnerability, and direct the incantation of the lion's heart to protect and reflect the occult, black magic and various ignorance. And the creation of auspicious objects of Luang Pho Dum, he will be in the form of the Lead Buddha amulet, buried in the wolves, mostly And also important that you have different forms of Buddha printsWhether closed-eye prints, Buddha prints and various prints Available in both small and large sizes Now this monk Considered to be more difficult every day Even if the price is still light To find the real one Buddha prints and various prints Available in both small and large sizes Now this monk Considered to be more difficult every dayEven if the price is still light To find the real one
