The Nangkwak's slightly smile face welcomes wealth and fortune to come.

A Thai numeral "one" which represents "Kana Nung" (the first group) where LP Nak lived for his life long time in Wat Rakang.

For authentic item, grooves of Khom script must be deep, sharp and clear

For authentic item, the Nangkwak sculpture is of high relief
龙普衲瓦拉康寺2490s年招财女神VHTF LP Nak
Elegant Nangkwak
Wat Rakang, Late 2490s

Dimensions: 2.3 X 3.5 cmMaterial: Holy powderItem Ref: pn20674
This is a VHTF LP Nak's big Nangkwak of around Somdej size. It's biggest when compares to other masters' Nangkwak.
It's the intention of LP Nak to create such the big Nangkwak as a unisex amulet - can be worn on both lady's and gentleman's necks.
The frontside is a sitting Nangkwak with her right hand beckoning wealth & fortune.
At the bottom base, there is a Thai numeral "one" which represents "Kana Nung" (the first group) where LP Nak lived in Wat Rakang.
The backside is a top Yant of Phrachao Ha PhraOng (5 Buddhas) - Na Mo Budh Dha Ya. This means that the Nangkwak also has protective efficacy and property by the great Yant on the backside.
LP Nak had many layman disciples who were merchants. So he created specifical amulets for flowing business including wealth & fortune, such as Sangajaya, Pidta Mahalarp, and Nangkwak, etc.
The pics seen on this page is Nangkwak which LP Nak created and blessed by himself in late 2490s.
The Nangkwak's slightly smile face welcomes wealth and fortune to come.
Around past 10+ years back, some authentic LP Nak Nangkwak of this mold were still be seen scatteredly in amulet market. And they were snatched up by hawk-eyed collectors.Now real items were disappeared and FAKES have come instead. So, please be aware of FAKES !
LP Nak Nangkwak has long been widely known for prosperous businesss, wealth & fortune.
Many years ago, I have seen an old-man millionaire merchant in Nakonsawan province hanging Buddha amulets on his neck while his shirt pocket also had a LP Nak Nangkwak contained in a small polyethylene bag.
The man said he brought along the Nangkwak with him everyday for a very long years. Though, his hardware shop was smaller but flowing with clients while the nearby so much bigger shops were drowsy.
Certainly, the great Nangkwak is also best for woman who want to be a prosperous lady. When hanging on the neck, it looks elegant by its beautifulness and outstanding large size.
So, a good man should be thoughtful to his lady - no matter being his beloved wife or girl friend.
LP Nak was a very able monk master. His all teachers were the old-time great monk masters:-
1) LuangTa Liam, an old-age monk master who had been a disciple of the great Somdej PhraPhutdhaJahn (Toh PhromRangsie) - the famous former Abbot of Wat Rakang
2) Somdej PhraBuddhaKosajahn (Rithi), Wat ArunRatchaWararam
3) PhraDhamKosajahn, later the Supreme Patriach (Somdej Phra Sangkharaj - Pae Tissadevo), Wat Suthat
4) Somdej PhraBuddhaKosaJahn (MR Charoen Issarangkura), a former Abbot of Wat Rakang, who also was a disciple of Somdej PhraPhutdhaJahn (Toh PromRangsie), Wat Rakang
5) PhraSangkhaWaranuwongThera (Choom), Wat Ratchasittharam
LP Nak had ultra high Buddhist incantation and attained highest Dhamma of Lord Buddha. This is the reason why his amulets have shown so many and many miraculous experiences to people.
There was a consecration ceremony at Wat Chinoros in late 2500s, LP Nak and 8 other monk masters including LP Luesie Lingdam were invited to participate the ceremony.
By the recount of LP Luesie lingdam who was then a young monk, LP Nak's large bright powerful beam emitted from his chest cover all amulet piles.
After the consecration ceremony had finished, LP Luesie Lingdam crawled to stop before LP Nak and pay respect to him by full-heartedly prostrating.
In late 2490s, LP Nak was teaching meditation to people and his layman disciples at Wat Rakang.
One night, one of his young disciples made a deep meditation and out-of-body to Wat Dontawai's grave yard which known for a place of vicious spirits.
The man was meditating unmoved for 2 days and his heart stopped beating. LP Nak meditated to his utra mind power making search and pursuit the disciple to the grave yard and brought his soul back to his body before decaying.
In early 2510s, Capt Paiboon, a disciple of LP Luesie Lingdam learned meditation teaching by LP Lingdam himself. He saw 4 men surrouding him while meditating and he told what happened to his teacher.
LP Luesie Lingdam told him that the 4 men were JatuMaharachika Devatas protecting him while making meditation.
It seemed that Capt Paiboon was still uncleared, LP Luesie Lingdam recommended him to pay respect to LP Nak and ask him.
Then, Capt Paiboon went to Wat Rakang to pay respect to LP Nak.
Once LP Nak had seen Capt Paiboon, he instantly said, " Oh, you should not be fearful because the 4 men are Devatas protecting you while meditating."
Capt Paiboon was so amazing because he had said nothing to LP Nak.
Later, Capt Paiboon told the event happened to LP Luesie Lingdam.
One day in early 2490s, LP Nak's mother was seriously ill. His cousins came from Korat (Nakonratchasima) to Wat Rakang and told him about his mother's illness.
LP Nak meditated to the utmost state and made telepathic healing to his mother. He did it for 3 days.
Unexpectedly, one of LP Nak's nephews sent a telegram to him, the text said that his mother get much better amazingly without medical treatment !
And not long after that, he was reported that his mother got well and happy as usaual.
By LP Luesie Lingdam's recount, LP Nak had magic eyes. He could see the destinations of dead persons - going to heaven or fire hell.
Once, LP Luesie Lingdam asked LP Nak about the destinations of some famous dead persons, LP Nak told instantly.
When he asked LP Nak, "By high respectfully, Luang Phor, where will you go after your passing,"
"I don't know", LP Nak said humbly.
"Luang Phor, whoever died you know where is he or she going to, so you exactly know yours"
" Yes, I know for others, but for me I know nothing", LP Nak said with Dhamma puzzle.
LP Luesie Lingdam regularly made his ultra meditation to Nipphan (Nirvana) celestial to pay high respect to Lord Buddha.
After LP Nak passed away in B.E.2514, he wondered where did LP Nak go.
One night, LP Luesie Lingdam meditated to the utmost state, Lord Buddha appeared HIMSELF before him and said:
"Exactly, without doubt. Now LP Nak is at Nipphan (Nirvana) Celestial - no rebirth for him again."
Not long after that LP Luesie Lingdam made himself out-of-body to Nipphan Celestial. There, he saw and met LP Nak.
Before leaving, LP Nak taught him some Dhamma tips for no rebirth.
LP Nak was living his long life. He passed away in B.E. 2514 at the age of 87.
Devata = a deity or a divine beingJatuMaharachika = the class of the closest-to-human Devata