Somdej Wat Kudithong
circa 2395 (1852)
Original and beautiful 漂亮的原版.
Natural surface 自然表面层.
Deep mould 深模.
Sharp & distinct features 清晰的轮廓.
Somdet Wat Kudi Thong is more than a decade earlier than Somdet Toh's 2409 Somdej Wat Rakang. Blessed by Somdej Toh and his teacher AJ Seng and other high monks of that era, the connoisseur says that gold strips were added and were selectively distributed to the chosen. The remaining were kept in the pagoda.
For ref . Oldest Somdej.
WAT KUTI THONG (วัดกุฎีทอง)
This active temple is located on the northern side of Khlong Mueang (part of the old
Lopburi River). It is split into two parts by a road that runs through the center of the
monastery. The monks live in the buildings closest to the water. The rest of the
monastery, including its ancient ruins, can be seen on the opposite side of the road.
名称:Wat Kudi Thong佛历2393距今164年出塔崇迪佛牌
寺庙:Wat Kudi Thong
加持师傅:Wat Kudi Thong寺内高僧及寺外多位高僧联合加持,包括崇迪始祖阿赞多在内
备注:Wat Kudi Thong是泰国极为古老的一所寺庙,这所古寺督制佛牌的历史已久,在佛历2393年该寺邀请多位当时的高僧大德来加持一批佛牌,这里包括了诸多有法力的龙婆,也包括了崇迪始祖、九大圣僧之首的阿赞多大师。与另外一期著名的阿赞多高僧协助加持的佛历2410瓦灵考光辉佛来比较,这期佛牌的法相是崇迪,为阿赞多招牌圣物,师傅也一样会以其招牌法门来进行加持,历史也更加悠久,收藏价值及性价比也会更高。如果是阿赞多自己制作的崇迪在泰国的市值少则几十万多则几百万,还是人民币而不是泰铢。因此,佛历2393这期Wat Kudi Thong大法会的崇迪就是阿赞多师傅的完美替代品了。
Wat Kudi Thong佛历2393出塔崇迪佛牌,距今已有164年的历史了,佛牌的泰文名为“Phra Kru Somdej”,大概的意思就是出塔崇迪佛。当时佛牌由寺庙的圣土及一些老的佛牌碎作为原料,再由Wat Kudi Thong寺内高僧主导加持法会,在众僧加持完毕后,将部分崇迪佛牌直接存入佛寺的佛塔中,以便日后善信可以恭请或将此圣物作为以后新佛牌的制作材料,由于年头过老,很多佛牌出塔的时候就已经碎裂,不是无法佩戴就是法相已然极不清晰了。
One of the significant event that happened during the 1850s was the Taiping Rebellion or Taiping Civil War (simplified Chinese: 太平天国运动; traditional Chinese: 太平天國運動; pinyin: Taìpíng Tīanguó Yùndòng, literally "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement") was a massive rebellion or civil war in China that lasted from 1850 to 1864, which was fought between the established Manchu-led Qing dynasty and the Christian millenarian movement of the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace.
Significant events in Thailand in the 1800s
circa 2395 (1852)
For all intents and purposes, the quiet and unassuming Somdej
Wat Kudithong is the precursor and prototype for the legendary Somdej Wat
Natural surface 自然表面层.
Deep mould 深模.
Sharp & distinct features 清晰的轮廓.
For ref . Oldest Somdej.
WAT KUTI THONG (วัดกุฎีทอง)
This active temple is located on the northern side of Khlong Mueang (part of the old
Lopburi River). It is split into two parts by a road that runs through the center of the
monastery. The monks live in the buildings closest to the water. The rest of the
monastery, including its ancient ruins, can be seen on the opposite side of the road.
名称:Wat Kudi Thong佛历2393距今164年出塔崇迪佛牌
寺庙:Wat Kudi Thong
加持师傅:Wat Kudi Thong寺内高僧及寺外多位高僧联合加持,包括崇迪始祖阿赞多在内
备注:Wat Kudi Thong是泰国极为古老的一所寺庙,这所古寺督制佛牌的历史已久,在佛历2393年该寺邀请多位当时的高僧大德来加持一批佛牌,这里包括了诸多有法力的龙婆,也包括了崇迪始祖、九大圣僧之首的阿赞多大师。与另外一期著名的阿赞多高僧协助加持的佛历2410瓦灵考光辉佛来比较,这期佛牌的法相是崇迪,为阿赞多招牌圣物,师傅也一样会以其招牌法门来进行加持,历史也更加悠久,收藏价值及性价比也会更高。如果是阿赞多自己制作的崇迪在泰国的市值少则几十万多则几百万,还是人民币而不是泰铢。因此,佛历2393这期Wat Kudi Thong大法会的崇迪就是阿赞多师傅的完美替代品了。
Wat Kudi Thong佛历2393出塔崇迪佛牌,距今已有164年的历史了,佛牌的泰文名为“Phra Kru Somdej”,大概的意思就是出塔崇迪佛。当时佛牌由寺庙的圣土及一些老的佛牌碎作为原料,再由Wat Kudi Thong寺内高僧主导加持法会,在众僧加持完毕后,将部分崇迪佛牌直接存入佛寺的佛塔中,以便日后善信可以恭请或将此圣物作为以后新佛牌的制作材料,由于年头过老,很多佛牌出塔的时候就已经碎裂,不是无法佩戴就是法相已然极不清晰了。
One of the significant event that happened during the 1850s was the Taiping Rebellion or Taiping Civil War (simplified Chinese: 太平天国运动; traditional Chinese: 太平天國運動; pinyin: Taìpíng Tīanguó Yùndòng, literally "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement") was a massive rebellion or civil war in China that lasted from 1850 to 1864, which was fought between the established Manchu-led Qing dynasty and the Christian millenarian movement of the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace.
Significant events in Thailand in the 1800s