Consecrated by LP Kuay of Wat KhoSiTaRam and released at Wat Rachanada, Bangkok.
circa 2515 (1972).
2 types of this big Somdej model, Small and Big waist. Listed is the big waist.
Beautiful & Original. Comes with silver casing.
LP Kuay -one of the most able & greatest monk masters of post B.E.2500 period-
was a close disciple of LP Sri, Wat PhraPrang, Singhburi Province, and later learned with LP Doem of Wat NongPho, Nakonsawan province.
LP Kuay's forefinger is so powerful that a glass will be broken just as he is pointing to !!
After an amulet blessing ceremony at Wat Thathong, Suphanburi province, LP Toh, Wat Pradoo Chimplee had pointed to LP Kuay and asked Mr. Thanong Laokordee, "Who is that master ?"
" He is Luang Phor Kuay, from Chainart," replied Mr. Thanong.
" His meditative ray is so bright and powerful," said LP Toh.
LP Kuay ate only one meal a day. In the later part of his life he ate so little, but his face and body was still so bright. When he was ill in the early of B.E. 2522, he used a blue-ink pen drawing a circle around a date on the calendar--and a month later it's exactly the date that he passed away !!
LP Kuay passed away on April 12, B.E.2522 at the age of 74--after ordination for his monkhood for 53 years.
Name: B.E.2515 Phra Somdej with Phra Sivali Nuea Phong Bai Lan
From: LP Guay, Wat Kositaram, Chainat province
Material: this powerful Buddha amulet created from many holy mass such as “Phong Phuttha Khun”, “Phong Itthi Jay”, “Phong Phathamang”, “Phong Trini Singhae”, flowers and holy herbs. Moreover, this powerful Buddha amulet mixed “Phong Bai Lan” (Thai leaf).
Year: B.E.2515 (C.E.1972)
Size: about 2.5 cm x 3.7 cm
Origin: Thailand
Purpose for making: donate the money from the Buddha amulet to restore and develop the buildings in Wat Ratchanatda.
Ceremony: there were top monks around Thailand joined to bless at Buddhist church of Wat Ratchanatda such as
1. LP Toh of Wat Praduchimplee
2. LP Guay of Wat Kositaram
3. LP Phing of Wat Botkrongthanu
4. LP Nai of Wat Ban Jang
5. LP Chue of Wat Maibampenboon
6. LP Nak of Wat Nongprong
7. Other top monks
Moreover, LP Guay strongly blessed this powerful Buddha amulet for long time by himself at Wat Kositaram.
Powerful: Phra Somdej with Phra Sivali by LP Guay is very well known in Thailand because this Buddha amulet can bring wealth, luck, progression, good business and fortune to worshiper.
Presented: in front of Buddha amulet is “Phra Somdej” pattern and in the back is “Phra Sivali” pattern.
Noticed: the real amulet maybe has a few colors from the pictures because the flash of camera.
Biography of LP Guay:
LP Guay of Wat KoSiTaRarm, Chai Nat province was born in 1905 at Chainat Province. When he was a child, he was beloved for his parents. When he grown up, his mother took him to live with LP Kuad, Wat BaanKae for learning. At the age of 6-7 years, LP Guay was intelligent. He can memorize many pray chapters. LP Kuad taught much knowledge for LP Guay especially Khmer learning. LP Kuad passed away. Next, his parents took him to live with Arjarn Dam, Wat Hua Den for Khmer learning. But he didn’t get more knowledge. Thus, he became farmer to help his parents. He felt that he was not happy. He always recalled LP Kuad who was the first Arjarn.
When he was 20 years old, he was ordained as a monk in 1924 at Wat Baan Kae. At that time, LP Ma was an abbot. LP Ma taught LP Guay about sermon such as Vessantara chapter, Kuman chapter and third chapter of Maha Chat. LP Guay was very expertise about sermon. If whoever was audible his sermon, everyone will impressive very much.
In 1929 LP Guay learnt doctrine at Wat Wang Korn. He would like to learn about meditation and magic. Thus, he traveled to learn with LP Sri Viriyasopit at Wat Phra Pang, Singburi Province.
LP Sri was an expertise about meditation. LP Sri taught LP Guay about magical of ring. The symbol of LP Sri’s ring is that the bottom of ring will have Khmer language namely I-Ti.
Next, LP Guay learnt with LP Derm, Wat NongPho in magic power such as ring, takrut and Meed-Moh. Also, LP Guay learnt about broken bone disease with LP Ken, Wat DongSetthi.
Afterwards, He came back at Wat KoSiTaRarm (Wat Baan Kae). He was very famous about tattoo. He has many disciples.
In 1948, LP Guay was an abbot at Wat KoSiTaRarm. LP Guay was very famous about incantations. Many people respect LP Guay. He passed away on 12th April 1979.
龙婆贵(Luang Phor Kuay Wat Bankae/Wat Kositaram)佛历2448至佛历2522,
佛历2448年的11月2日,龙婆贵师傅生于泰国Chainat府里的Bankae村,父亲名为Tui Punson,母亲名为Tuan Dechma,家中还有三个弟弟和一个妹妹,龙婆贵是家中的长子。在龙婆贵六岁的时候他的父母就把他送到Wat Bankae佛寺去跟随龙婆库大师学习基础的佛法教义和简单的法术,龙婆库是得道的高僧,法力极高,他相信龙婆贵未来定会成为一位有名的高僧,因此无私地将其所知法术尽数传给龙婆贵,而龙婆贵年少时对佛理的学习天赋极高,学习过的法术也是过目不忘,并且能够将其自如的使用。在恩师龙婆库圆寂以后,因为对佛理的热爱,龙婆贵又前往至Wat Huaden,跟阿赞杜继续学习新的法门。未正式成为僧侣之前,龙婆贵都是这样跟着师傅修行的,期间还曾去小学上过两年的学,只是后来因为要帮助家中处理农活,所以很快地结束了学校的生活。
不过龙婆贵始终是位真心热衷于佛学的师傅,所以后来他认真地跟父母做了请示,表示想要皈依佛门,并且永远都不会还俗了,这其实也是为了家人能够在今生得到福报。于是到了佛历2467年的7月5日,龙婆贵大师快到20岁的时候,正式在Wat Bost佛寺出家受戒当了和尚。由当时的戒师龙婆帕和阿赞灵负责出家仪式,并被赐予Chutinataro的法号。这个法号有着很好的含义,意思是说这个世界充满了七情六欲,如果他希望可以修成正果,就一定要放下所有的七情六欲与贪念。龙婆贵也没有让恩师失望,在学习高深法门的时候从来都不害怕辛苦。先后又跟随了众多高僧一起修行,如Wat Nong Kradone的龙婆Puang,Wat Khao Kaew的龙婆Kant,Wat Nong Pho的龙婆Derm(跟随其学会了灭魔刀及塔固加持的法门),Wat Dongsetti的龙婆肯(跟随其学会了修复骨折、骨碎的医术)。龙婆贵师傅的好友Wat Nongtangoo的龙婆Pum Pum在描述龙婆贵的时候也说龙婆贵是一位从来都不怕辛苦去学习高深法门的人。
龙婆贵高僧的法门除了名师传授以外,更高级别的法力源自一本古老的经书。相传在佛历2477年6月1日的时候,龙婆贵正在Wat Nongkam学习一些高深的法门。当时寺内有一位叫做Jam的僧人告诉龙婆贵在一颗枯朽的古树洞里藏有一本名为Kru Rang的古老圣书,由于树灵一直在保护着那本书所以他无法得到。后来Jam带着龙婆贵一起来到了古树的前面,龙婆贵在树下点了三根蜡烛,并向树灵说:“如果你希望我拥有那本圣书,请把三根蜡烛给烧完。”不一会儿,蜡烛不但没烧完,而且很快就熄灭了。后来龙婆贵又点了三根蜡烛,对着树灵说:“如果你希望我拥有那本圣书之后,帮助寺庙和村民的话,请把三根蜡烛给烧完。”片刻后,蜡烛便已烧完,树灵不再阻挡高僧请出经书。龙婆贵深知其内在含义,打开经书后发现上面写着很多古老的经文,而且明确地写明一般人不可以打开圣书观看,否则常人打开定将会遭遇恶果,只有德高望重的僧人才能阅读,并运用经书的力量帮助世人。这本经书颇为殊胜,其中还记载了很多古老、失传的法门,包括了呼唤大地女神的神奇力量,此法术是极为高深的守护、消灾、解难型法术。龙婆贵在学成后为了能让此佛宝可以在日后流传、继续造福于民,所以特别将这本经书进行了抄写,日后自己留了一本藏于Wat Kositaram,赠与了Wat Tatong的阿赞道一本,还赠与了Wat Nong I Duke的阿赞萨旺一本。
佛历2484年,龙婆贵师傅已是当世名师,有着很强的预言能力,他说出的很多话后来都会变为事实,还曾在当时泰国面临二次大战诸多列强入侵领土的时候制作了很多佛牌圣物赠与那时的村民,并让很多泰国人民在那个时候保住了性命。在Wat Bankae佛寺(Wat Kositaram原来的寺名)修行时,为村民们曾举办过一场纹身的法会。据记载,当时有超过4万4千人来请求龙婆贵为其纹身,就当时那个年代及交通的便利程度来说,这么多的人前去一个法会简直就是一个天文数字,这也主要是因为善信都相信只要得到龙婆贵高僧的纹身就能得到高僧的保佑和祝福,还可以刀枪不入、远离危险的原因。再之后,龙婆贵师傅开始为自己的善信们督造灭魔刀及塔固圣物,除了自己府内及寺庙周边的善信,外府的很多人也慕名而来,善信之中还有不少的强盗,这些人生活在枪林弹雨之中,而龙婆贵的圣物常能帮他们不死,因此每当这些强盗经过龙婆贵的寺庙时都会冲天鸣枪以示尊敬。在佛历2491年的9月1日,龙婆贵正式成为了Wat Bankae佛寺的主持。到了佛历2552年,龙婆贵师傅圆寂,结束了自己多年的僧侣生涯,享年74岁。
circa 2515 (1972).
2 types of this big Somdej model, Small and Big waist. Listed is the big waist.
Beautiful & Original. Comes with silver casing.
LP Kuay -one of the most able & greatest monk masters of post B.E.2500 period-
was a close disciple of LP Sri, Wat PhraPrang, Singhburi Province, and later learned with LP Doem of Wat NongPho, Nakonsawan province.
LP Kuay's forefinger is so powerful that a glass will be broken just as he is pointing to !!
After an amulet blessing ceremony at Wat Thathong, Suphanburi province, LP Toh, Wat Pradoo Chimplee had pointed to LP Kuay and asked Mr. Thanong Laokordee, "Who is that master ?"
" He is Luang Phor Kuay, from Chainart," replied Mr. Thanong.
" His meditative ray is so bright and powerful," said LP Toh.
LP Kuay ate only one meal a day. In the later part of his life he ate so little, but his face and body was still so bright. When he was ill in the early of B.E. 2522, he used a blue-ink pen drawing a circle around a date on the calendar--and a month later it's exactly the date that he passed away !!
LP Kuay passed away on April 12, B.E.2522 at the age of 74--after ordination for his monkhood for 53 years.
Name: B.E.2515 Phra Somdej with Phra Sivali Nuea Phong Bai Lan
From: LP Guay, Wat Kositaram, Chainat province
Material: this powerful Buddha amulet created from many holy mass such as “Phong Phuttha Khun”, “Phong Itthi Jay”, “Phong Phathamang”, “Phong Trini Singhae”, flowers and holy herbs. Moreover, this powerful Buddha amulet mixed “Phong Bai Lan” (Thai leaf).
Year: B.E.2515 (C.E.1972)
Size: about 2.5 cm x 3.7 cm
Origin: Thailand
Purpose for making: donate the money from the Buddha amulet to restore and develop the buildings in Wat Ratchanatda.
Ceremony: there were top monks around Thailand joined to bless at Buddhist church of Wat Ratchanatda such as
1. LP Toh of Wat Praduchimplee
2. LP Guay of Wat Kositaram
3. LP Phing of Wat Botkrongthanu
4. LP Nai of Wat Ban Jang
5. LP Chue of Wat Maibampenboon
6. LP Nak of Wat Nongprong
7. Other top monks
Moreover, LP Guay strongly blessed this powerful Buddha amulet for long time by himself at Wat Kositaram.
Powerful: Phra Somdej with Phra Sivali by LP Guay is very well known in Thailand because this Buddha amulet can bring wealth, luck, progression, good business and fortune to worshiper.
Presented: in front of Buddha amulet is “Phra Somdej” pattern and in the back is “Phra Sivali” pattern.
Noticed: the real amulet maybe has a few colors from the pictures because the flash of camera.
Biography of LP Guay:
LP Guay of Wat KoSiTaRarm, Chai Nat province was born in 1905 at Chainat Province. When he was a child, he was beloved for his parents. When he grown up, his mother took him to live with LP Kuad, Wat BaanKae for learning. At the age of 6-7 years, LP Guay was intelligent. He can memorize many pray chapters. LP Kuad taught much knowledge for LP Guay especially Khmer learning. LP Kuad passed away. Next, his parents took him to live with Arjarn Dam, Wat Hua Den for Khmer learning. But he didn’t get more knowledge. Thus, he became farmer to help his parents. He felt that he was not happy. He always recalled LP Kuad who was the first Arjarn.
When he was 20 years old, he was ordained as a monk in 1924 at Wat Baan Kae. At that time, LP Ma was an abbot. LP Ma taught LP Guay about sermon such as Vessantara chapter, Kuman chapter and third chapter of Maha Chat. LP Guay was very expertise about sermon. If whoever was audible his sermon, everyone will impressive very much.
In 1929 LP Guay learnt doctrine at Wat Wang Korn. He would like to learn about meditation and magic. Thus, he traveled to learn with LP Sri Viriyasopit at Wat Phra Pang, Singburi Province.
LP Sri was an expertise about meditation. LP Sri taught LP Guay about magical of ring. The symbol of LP Sri’s ring is that the bottom of ring will have Khmer language namely I-Ti.
Next, LP Guay learnt with LP Derm, Wat NongPho in magic power such as ring, takrut and Meed-Moh. Also, LP Guay learnt about broken bone disease with LP Ken, Wat DongSetthi.
Afterwards, He came back at Wat KoSiTaRarm (Wat Baan Kae). He was very famous about tattoo. He has many disciples.
In 1948, LP Guay was an abbot at Wat KoSiTaRarm. LP Guay was very famous about incantations. Many people respect LP Guay. He passed away on 12th April 1979.
龙婆贵(Luang Phor Kuay Wat Bankae/Wat Kositaram)佛历2448至佛历2522,
佛历2448年的11月2日,龙婆贵师傅生于泰国Chainat府里的Bankae村,父亲名为Tui Punson,母亲名为Tuan Dechma,家中还有三个弟弟和一个妹妹,龙婆贵是家中的长子。在龙婆贵六岁的时候他的父母就把他送到Wat Bankae佛寺去跟随龙婆库大师学习基础的佛法教义和简单的法术,龙婆库是得道的高僧,法力极高,他相信龙婆贵未来定会成为一位有名的高僧,因此无私地将其所知法术尽数传给龙婆贵,而龙婆贵年少时对佛理的学习天赋极高,学习过的法术也是过目不忘,并且能够将其自如的使用。在恩师龙婆库圆寂以后,因为对佛理的热爱,龙婆贵又前往至Wat Huaden,跟阿赞杜继续学习新的法门。未正式成为僧侣之前,龙婆贵都是这样跟着师傅修行的,期间还曾去小学上过两年的学,只是后来因为要帮助家中处理农活,所以很快地结束了学校的生活。
不过龙婆贵始终是位真心热衷于佛学的师傅,所以后来他认真地跟父母做了请示,表示想要皈依佛门,并且永远都不会还俗了,这其实也是为了家人能够在今生得到福报。于是到了佛历2467年的7月5日,龙婆贵大师快到20岁的时候,正式在Wat Bost佛寺出家受戒当了和尚。由当时的戒师龙婆帕和阿赞灵负责出家仪式,并被赐予Chutinataro的法号。这个法号有着很好的含义,意思是说这个世界充满了七情六欲,如果他希望可以修成正果,就一定要放下所有的七情六欲与贪念。龙婆贵也没有让恩师失望,在学习高深法门的时候从来都不害怕辛苦。先后又跟随了众多高僧一起修行,如Wat Nong Kradone的龙婆Puang,Wat Khao Kaew的龙婆Kant,Wat Nong Pho的龙婆Derm(跟随其学会了灭魔刀及塔固加持的法门),Wat Dongsetti的龙婆肯(跟随其学会了修复骨折、骨碎的医术)。龙婆贵师傅的好友Wat Nongtangoo的龙婆Pum Pum在描述龙婆贵的时候也说龙婆贵是一位从来都不怕辛苦去学习高深法门的人。
龙婆贵高僧的法门除了名师传授以外,更高级别的法力源自一本古老的经书。相传在佛历2477年6月1日的时候,龙婆贵正在Wat Nongkam学习一些高深的法门。当时寺内有一位叫做Jam的僧人告诉龙婆贵在一颗枯朽的古树洞里藏有一本名为Kru Rang的古老圣书,由于树灵一直在保护着那本书所以他无法得到。后来Jam带着龙婆贵一起来到了古树的前面,龙婆贵在树下点了三根蜡烛,并向树灵说:“如果你希望我拥有那本圣书,请把三根蜡烛给烧完。”不一会儿,蜡烛不但没烧完,而且很快就熄灭了。后来龙婆贵又点了三根蜡烛,对着树灵说:“如果你希望我拥有那本圣书之后,帮助寺庙和村民的话,请把三根蜡烛给烧完。”片刻后,蜡烛便已烧完,树灵不再阻挡高僧请出经书。龙婆贵深知其内在含义,打开经书后发现上面写着很多古老的经文,而且明确地写明一般人不可以打开圣书观看,否则常人打开定将会遭遇恶果,只有德高望重的僧人才能阅读,并运用经书的力量帮助世人。这本经书颇为殊胜,其中还记载了很多古老、失传的法门,包括了呼唤大地女神的神奇力量,此法术是极为高深的守护、消灾、解难型法术。龙婆贵在学成后为了能让此佛宝可以在日后流传、继续造福于民,所以特别将这本经书进行了抄写,日后自己留了一本藏于Wat Kositaram,赠与了Wat Tatong的阿赞道一本,还赠与了Wat Nong I Duke的阿赞萨旺一本。
佛历2484年,龙婆贵师傅已是当世名师,有着很强的预言能力,他说出的很多话后来都会变为事实,还曾在当时泰国面临二次大战诸多列强入侵领土的时候制作了很多佛牌圣物赠与那时的村民,并让很多泰国人民在那个时候保住了性命。在Wat Bankae佛寺(Wat Kositaram原来的寺名)修行时,为村民们曾举办过一场纹身的法会。据记载,当时有超过4万4千人来请求龙婆贵为其纹身,就当时那个年代及交通的便利程度来说,这么多的人前去一个法会简直就是一个天文数字,这也主要是因为善信都相信只要得到龙婆贵高僧的纹身就能得到高僧的保佑和祝福,还可以刀枪不入、远离危险的原因。再之后,龙婆贵师傅开始为自己的善信们督造灭魔刀及塔固圣物,除了自己府内及寺庙周边的善信,外府的很多人也慕名而来,善信之中还有不少的强盗,这些人生活在枪林弹雨之中,而龙婆贵的圣物常能帮他们不死,因此每当这些强盗经过龙婆贵的寺庙时都会冲天鸣枪以示尊敬。在佛历2491年的9月1日,龙婆贵正式成为了Wat Bankae佛寺的主持。到了佛历2552年,龙婆贵师傅圆寂,结束了自己多年的僧侣生涯,享年74岁。