MP Baey Yam Keng's photo in response to Paris Attacks raises ire By Teo Kai Xiang | Yahoo Newsroom – Mon, Nov 16, 2015
[Update 17 November: Baey Yam Keng responded to the controversy with a Facebook post. He states, "I appreciate the frank comments by many and I do respect the views expressed. On hindsight, I could have been more mindful about the choice of photo."]

The attacks, which left 129 dead, have inspired overwhelming support for the people of France from the world. Many social media users have posted messages expressing solidarity for the victims of the attacks, and tinted their profile pictures in the French tricolor.
Baey also wrote a message of support on his Facebook account on Sunday and posted a photo with it, which showed the MP for Tampines Group Representative Constituency posing close to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. But some commenters have cast doubt that he was at the famous landmark when the photo was taken.
His post has been liked more than 300 times and shared 200 times on Facebook as of Monday afternoon.
Isabel Kang, whose comment was the most-liked in the comment section of Baey’s post, said “Where and what is the relation between the two photo subjects that you have to purposely edit both into one image? Tasteless.”
Another commenter Cepheus Chan added, “Firstly, it's badly photoshopped. Secondly, that pose and expression in no way suggest that you're sympathetic to their plight. Thirdly, perhaps a simple photo of the Eiffel Tower would suffice, but no, you had to insert yourself into the picture.”
However, Baey Yam Kang has clarified that the image was not photoshopped and was taken back in May, when he was part of the delegation accompanying President Tony Tan during his state visit to France. A similar image was posted on his Facebook and his Instagram on 19 May.

Ungku Muhammad Ibrahim, Senior Photographer of Ardent Images, said, “The exposure and direction of light from the sun of him and the tower match each other but it’s one of the things you can use to spot photoshop jobs.”
Many social media commenters on Reddit and Hardwarezone maintained that the photo was in bad taste.
One commenter on Reddit said, “Even if it is not photoshopped, it is still quite tasteless to put up a photo of himself and the Eiffel tower while offering condolences.”
The photo has led to the hashtag #Baeyforparis, which is currently trending on social media sites like Twitter.
When Yahoo Singapore reached out to Baey for a comment, he said he has nothing to add to the discussion.
When Yahoo Singapore reached out to Baey for a comment, he said he has nothing to add to the discussion.