So after much trial and error, Dr. Emoto developed a process in which he would freeze drops of water and take photographs of individual water crystals that formed. He found that his theory was correct: like snowflakes, every water crystal is unique. But he learned much more than that. Dr. Emoto found that you could tell much about the nature of the water by photographing it in this way, and more importantly, that, as human beings, we can change the nature of water in many ways. Water truly does have powerful messages for us.
One of the first things that Dr. Emoto learned was that all water does not form beautiful crystals. He tested tap water from around the world and found that tap water does not form water crystals. Stagnant or polluted water does not form water crystals either, but forms unpleasant, deformed frozen structures. Rainwater, water from clean streams and rivers, water from glaciers, and water from holy places around the world form beautiful crystals when frozen.
Then he wondered if we, as human beings, can change the nature of water, so he tried many techniques to test this. Dr. Emoto found that if he played beautiful music in the presence of tap water, it would then make beautiful frozen crystal formations. He also learned that the written word changed the water. Dr. Emoto taped paper strips on bottles of tap water and then photographed the frozen water. He found that words such as “Thank you,” and “I love you,” caused the tap water to form beautiful crystals (see picture at left). Words such as “You make me sick,” or “You are a fool,” caused ugly, distorted crystals or no crystals at all. Dr. Emoto then found that we can cause tap water to form beautiful frozen water crystals simply by praying for the water, by sending it loving thoughts, and by blessing it.
Water charged with words, “You make me sick. I will kill you.” | Water charged with words, “Thank you.” |
Water from Fujiwara Dam before being blessed | Water from Fujiwara Dam after being blessed |
Click Here to learn about and buy Dr. Emoto’s Messages from Water books and DVD
Click here to learn about Your Body’s Many Cries for Water and Celtic Sea Salt.
Click here to learn about Your Body’s Many Cries for Water and Celtic Sea Salt.
This is at the heart of what I do. I teach people that we change the subtle energies within and around us with every thought, action and emotion. (See my Home Page.) With negative thoughts and emotions, we put what dowsers call “detrimental energies” into our own beings and into our living environments. Positive, joy-filled thoughts and emotions put beneficial energies into our beings and into our living environment. Most of us are unconsciously surrounding and filling ourselves with what we don’t want in our lives: what we fear and what makes us angry. Then we unwittingly attract what we don’t want into our lives. Once you understand this, you can take charge of the process.
You can learn to use prayerful intent to put beneficial energies into your body, into substances, such as food and water, into objects, such as jewelry, and into your living environment. You can bless things with unique energy vibrations as defined by your intent You can also change detrimental energies into beneficial energies, all with the power of prayer and blessing. You can literally learn to surround fill yourself with what you desire to bring into to your life rather than what you fear. I can easily demonstrate this with dowsing and muscle testing. Dr. Emoto’s work to get messages from water gives physical, scientific evidence of what I teach about the power of prayer and blessing.