Somdej Wat Ruak 2518 / Somdej Wat Rakang lang Trapaedin 2495? (Amulet 123)

Monk: LP Toh of Wat Pradoo Chimplee led the consecration.
Temple: Wat Ruak, Suttharam, Bangkok
Year: circa 2518 (1975)
Condition: Original

Unfortunately, this batch of “trapaendin” (means government crest) amulets are considered fake because staff from a certain government department were requested to purchase all the amulets so as to donate money to the temple.

One box set consisted of 14 amulets of different patterns. In it was a piece of hand written paper stating that this "trapaendin" pattern was copied from Wat Rakang. Paradoxically, it is considered fake in this particular instance.

However, this could also be Wat Rakang LP Nak's Somdej Trapaendin 2495.

Price: For information only
