Posted on May 24, 2015 in Articles by Gerald Tay
Your work process should always be your focus focus – not the work itself. It’s the defined system that lead to results – which lead to success. Follow Pareto’s Principle and stick to the 20% work that gets you 80% of the results.
If you let all the other stuff get in the way, you’ll end up not getting any real results or work done. Don’t succumb to the artist’s dilemma: when the artist becomes popular, he has less time to produce art.
For example, the 20% that produces 80% of my results is writing. It’s easy to get sucked into spending my time on things like optimizing my blog, checking stats, looking for new marketing ideas, and so on. But I’ve learned that the only thing that really matters is producing more quality writing for my readers. So I focus on that.
People have asked me why I’m so free and do not seem to have to work at all. I put in a disclaimer – I do WORK.
Following Pareto’s Principle – spend 20% of your most creative/innovative/energetic time getting 80% of the results or work done.
Since I work best only in the mornings between 7.30 am to 12.30 am, my energy is spent doing the most important work. During this short 4-5 hour “window period”, I’m either writing or doing research on real estate. I plug in to my favourite inspirational music and focus diligently on the work needed to do within this period – none of those unproductive social media. I leave most emails to the afternoons unless I urgently have to communicate with my American partners because of time difference.
Afternoons are spent on reading and fitness related activities! My mind and body is half-shut by afternoons (1 pm to 5 pm) and by evenings (5 pm to 11 pm)- being the lowest period of my day, I avoid working altogether. (Unless I have a tenant who needs to view my property in the evening) I do not answer work phone calls or reply to What’s app messages during this time. I’m in bed latest by 11 pm every night.
How many days do I work? Depends. They are times when I work 7 days a week on rare occasions if I need to finish up urgent work with a tight deadline. And sometimes 3 days a week, and sometimes not work at all if I don’t feel like it. I do have a choice to work or not work of course. But this post isn’t about financial freedom.
The point I hope to emphasize is stick to the 20% work that gets you 80% of the results.
I applied Pareto’s Principle to my business some years ago. I run a Direct-Sales company doing Door-to-Door and Street selling. Since my sales guys whose income is entirely dependent on their sales – I had to show them how to achieve effective sales results and importantly in the most productive way.
My Door-to-Door sales team’s daily working hours are 3.30 pm to 10.30 pm. The time 3.30 pm to 5 pm are generally sales prep talks and briefings. Dinner after that and the team will hit the field – knock on the first door by 6 pm and the last door by 10.00 pm. Everyone likes to be home early. I would set a daily minimum daily sales target for every individual to achieve two sales for the day. (Two sales a day is bare minimum to earn a decent income)
As a sales motivation, if anyone can achieve two sales within the first or second hour, he or she can go home for the day. So if a sales guy starts at 6 pm and achieve two sales by 7 pm, he can go home straight after. Is it doable? Yes, because they have seen me done it and I showed them by leading example. It’s not about how skillful one is in sales. I’ve seen good salesmen with poor character and bad working habits. It’s all about positive work ATTITUDE. This helps them understand the power of work smarter and accomplish results productively than drag their feet aimlessly for 4 hours.
I apply Pareto’s Principle in all other aspects of my daily life – to agreater extent for Wealth and Well-Being.
Fitness activities are a priority in-built with my work schedules. They are like arms and legs to the body. For most people, it’s easy to justify not to exercise – “I’m too tired. I’ve no time. I can’t afford to.” That’s because many people do not know enough to plan an effective work-out routine in the most efficient and productive way to suit their busy work schedules.
I’m almost 40 years old – Here’s an example of my weekly work-out routine:
Warning! – I’ve progressively done this for years. If you’re a beginner, start with a basic 3 times weekly workout routine (or 150 minutes weekly) with some resistant exercises included. (Walk or slow run with Push-ups, Pull/Chin-Ups and basic leg squats)
For Power, Strength and Endurance,
Monday: Calisthenics – Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Spinal Erector)
Tuesday: Calisthenics – Upper Body (Back, Chest)
Wednesday: Active Rest Day – 8 km Run, or 12 km Trek
Thursday: Calisthenics – Core & Flexibility, 20-30 minutes relax walk
Friday: Calisthenics – Upper Body (Back, Chest)
Saturday: Finisher – High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Repeat 200m to 300m sprints with Calisthenics combined.(20-30 mins max)
Sunday: Rest Day
Pareto’s Principle in my 6-8 weekly workout sessions :
90% - Calisthenics & Resistance training.
10% - Cardio-related such as High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT), slow run or walking.
My workouts can be short as 20 mins to a maximum of an hour including warm-ups and flexibility exercises.
As you can see, running is NEVER my default form of exercise and personally, lifting weights at the gym is a waste of time and money. Calisthenics & Resistance training (Body-Weight) combine with HIIT cost no money and are MORE effective both in Time & Fitness – while building or maintaining muscles as we age.
If I do a 20 minutes session of HIIT and Calisthenics combined, I burn twice the calories (600 calories easily per session) than someone doing a 45 mins slow run. Since more muscles means a higher BMR (Basic Metabolism Rate), your body continues to burn more calories throughout the day, resulting in a leaner stronger body.
Diet & Nutrition
My 1,800 Calorie daily meal plan:
Breakfast: 60g Rolled Oats with 5 pcs Jackfruit, 0.2 Cup Blueberries, 115g Strawberries, 50g blackberries, 15g raisins, 30g Nuts and Black coffee without sugar
Snack: 30g Whey Protein with full milk, Pear
Lunch: 60g Brown Rice, 2-3 Eggs scrambled, Steamed/Stir-fry Kai-lan
Pre-Workout Snack: Canned Tuna in Water, 136g Banana
Dinner: 150g Salmon Pan Fry, Steam Cabbage & Carrots
Snack (8pm – 10pm): 150g Chicken Breast Boiled/Pan Fry, or 15 g Natural Peanut Butter, or 21g Cheddar Cheese
Daily Beverages – Water only.
Daily total: 1,822 calories, 135g protein, 220g carbs, 40g fat
Pareto’s Principle in my 6-meals a day:
90% of calories – Wholesome carbohydrates, adequate protein and healthy fats with very minimal sodium, sugar and trans-fats.
10% of calories – Favourite hawker foods such as Mee-Pok dry, Wanton Mee, Beef Kway Teow or restaurant dine-ins. (To keep myself mentally sane)
Notice I’m only maintaining a daily 1,800 Calorie diet on an intense workout regime. I do this only when I want to achieve a specific fat-loss goal – 10% Body Fat/or less with 90% lean muscle (Max 0.5kg – 1kg weight loss per week)
This is not starvation mode as my body’s Basic Metabolism Rate (BMR) is 1,600 daily calories. This means my body uses this minimum energy for its basic functions even when sleeping all day. So if I decide to lead a sedentary lifestyle, then this is the minimum & maximum calorie I need in order to function well and maintain weight.
Everyone’s BMR and calorie requirements are different with gender, age, weight and body composition. You need to know what’s yours, eat moderately and exercise regularly for a healthy lifestyle.
You don’t have to follow my strict crazy diet and intense exercise routine.
Achieving them is a hobby and to cultivate a DISCIPLINE. Success is Discipline. I adhere and stick strictly to my daily workout routines and a healthy diet to attain discipline.
Pareto’s Principle in Health & Fitness – 20% conscious health produces 80% of your holistic well-being. However majority of the population unknowingly underestimate their daily calorie intake, eat processed foods while leading a sedentary lifestyle 95% of the time.
Example: 1 small bowl of white rice = 250 Calories. Including sauces/dishes, a typical rice meal: Easily 700 calories per meal or thereafter.
2 Meals (Lunch & Dinner) = 1,400 calories.
Breakfast: Nasi Lemak = 700 Calories.
Total: 2,100 Calories (Exclude Teh Tarik, soft drinks and unhealthy snacks throughout the day).
A 40-year old male with sedentary lifestyle only requires 1,600 – 1,650 Calories a day.
One should eat lesser as we get older, not more. You don’t have to count calories to the exact. You just need to be more aware of how much food you are putting into your body. It is essential to have BOTH sensible diet and exercise for a clear mind and body. One cannot do without the other.
With a disciplined fitness and nutrition regime, I’ve learned not to crave in easily for life’s indulgences, conspicuous lifestyle or chase after fad investments. It helps built discipline, determination and extreme focus for my investment career.
Okay, I got side-tracked on diet and fitness regime… so back to real estate.
My Real Estate Investment and Wealth
Pareto’s Principle in Wealth:
Net Worth – 90% in Real Estate
However, due to cooling measures and hot markets, my current ratio is estimated 50% real estate based on market value after mortgage liabilities.
5% or less is parked in endowment funds and the rest in cash.
I do not own any stocks and shares because I can never control the stock market as a small retail investor.
Neither do I own any commodities or invest in any exotic investments.
As you might already know, I never go chasing after “hot” investments when prices are rising. Neither am I over eager in looking for yields every-time. It’s not the time to be impatient about returns right now. My success strategy is simply to focus on my specific goals and plan – and ignore market noises. (Discipline)
90% of decision-making – Focus on NOT losing money.
10% of decision-making – Focus on having FUN! This may sound crazy, but you do need to somehow love or like to do something to make it successful.
95% of my real estate strategy – Focus on property segments I know very well (Singapore Residential Properties)
95% property location - Focus buying in only one or two locations I know extremely well.
In the USA, its 100% commercial properties currently.
The remaining 5% is “play money” – money I use to speculate and can afford to lose – such as buying off-plan, industrial or commercial offices.
Your Success is Exactly Equal To How You Dedicate the 20% Of Work That Produces 80% of Your Results.
Want to know what your future is going to look like?
If you waste time through procrastination, being lazy or other unhealthy habits, your future is going to reflect that.
Success is simply the summation of everything you do, it’s a reflection of how you spend your time, resources and energy. The difference between successful people and average folk is how they use, and think about the minimum 20%.
In summary: zombies go from distraction to distraction with no specific plan or goal while the success-minded individual will act specifically and always on purpose – Repeat - Stick to the 20% work that gets you 80% of the results.
Remember: success is the reflection of spending time doing the work effectively and purposefully.