Get-Rich Wealth Seminars are Time-Wasters – Dirty Underground Secrets Exposed! (Part 2) by Gerald Tay

Gerald Tay has written informative articles on themes of interest to property investors.

Be sure to read Part 1 of this Post! “Get-Rich Wealth Seminars are Time-Wasters – Stay Out if you can!

As you already know is not exactly a conventional property educational web-site. We often post information denying the typical mainstream get-rich-in-property wealth claims that are nothing more than tricks scamming the ‘noobs’.
One of those tricks is called: Get-Rich Wealth Seminars by ‘gurus’ with bogus claims of success and financial freedom. It’s all Hollywood blubber.
Since early 2000s, many local seminar entrepreneurs (copy cats) ride on the trends of popular “RichDads” and “Antony Robbins” alike property and wealth seminars to make money from the masses. Of course, they want you to believe that they are doing it to spread the knowledge, but this isn’t exactly correct.
The 15 dirty secrets that will make you lots of money running a seminar business.
  1. Come up with your own secret to get rich in a specific niche market. (Property, Forex, Stocks) It has to be something absolutely sensational in order to cause controversial debates for the brainwashed masses.
Example, “How to own multiple properties with little or no money.” Remember: It does not matter how stupid your wealth secrets are as long as it trolls your competition. You can even say that you can get rich literally by eating paper money. It does not matter.
  1. Invent sensational phrases “Millionaire, Secrets of, No-Money-Down, whatever”, any phrases that speaks secrets, money and riches, to give that oomph for your seminar title to entice your target market of ignorant masses. “Why buy a car when you can buy a hotel?”
  2. Create 5m-long internet marketing page filled with bold and loud statements even you find cheesy, put up fake testimonials and unbelievable ROIs. – “Generate 20%-25% per annum from your investments with proven results!” There’s a sucker born every minute. Every “noob” wants to believe they too can achieve a 25% ROI easily and think you may be the real deal.
  3. Get yourself interviewed on Sunday Times “Invest” page for added publicity. Most reporters desperately needs a story and can’t differentiate fact from fiction, they have no time to verify your BS claims.
  4. Get a ghost writer to write your book and claim credit for yourself. Get it published and claim you author it. Buy out your own first printing to make it appear your book was popular. Many “best sellers” used this tactic to get the Best Seller status. Your books don’t have to sell like “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.   Simply recoup back money and time by selling more seminars and garbage stuffs. The masses want to believe wealth gurus are great authors too.
  1. Register several shell-companies to give the impression you’re also a successful owner of several “businesses.” Or invest $1,000 in each of your friends’ businesses and become a co-owner in name. Or invest in public-listed companies’ shares and claimed you’re also a co-owner.
Or don’t bother at all. Brainwashed audiences will believe whatever you sell them. (Remember the real story of a spiritual guru from India who convinced 400 followers to castrate themselves so they can meet their God?)
You may also think of organising another bogus seminar – “How to be a BS wealth guru and BS entrepreneur at the same time”
  1. Invent fable stories to captivate your audiences at your free previews. Storyline must include sad beginnings of how “poor” you were before to invoke sympathies and tears from your audiences. The “poorer” you were before, the more votes you get. “Bankruptcy” sounds like a good storyline to start with. Remember to act as if real. Let the “sad” atmosphere sink in a while with the audience.
  2. Proceed to amaze them how you arise from the “grave” and made millions in only X years with your “secret” strategy to invoke amazement and applause.  Go take a Selfie and post in every social media.
  3. Hire a few people to fake testimonials to the audience. Promise them a cut from the number of sign-ups as commission. Highly recommended since its all BS anyway. Or maybe you’ve 1 out of every 500 participants who’s gotten ‘lucky’ and really thinks you’re the deal.
  4. Purposefully price your seminar fees in the 5-figure sum range. Too cheap people think it’s worthless. Too expensive and your target audience of masses cannot afford. So “generously” throw in tons of worthless freebies. People like freebies. They like to think freebies are value for money. That’s why they are good prey for scams and overprice properties.
  5. Sales Trick-of-the-day: At your preview, slash your 5-figure seminar fees down, first 50%, then 20%, followed by another 20%, and finally a price that ends up looking irresistibly attractive. Invent silly reasons why the price they pay is only a small “investment” whereby being rich is just within grasp.   They always buy it. Offer early bird discounts (sign-up today) to close the sale.
  6. This ancient sales gimmick is guaranteed to sell. You’re on your way to your first million business turnover. Get yourself awarded with some unheard of business award, “Soul of Entrepreneurship”. Or simply invent one yourself. Having some business ‘awards’ will help sell your seminars better.
  7. Cut deals with property developers especially overseas ones and offer them to your students. Amateur buyers cannot tell ass from trunk of an elephant.  For every buyer, you get a cut of the profits or better – a free property unit to add to your BS claims – “Owner of 100 properties”. It does not matter if deals turn to be good or bad. You got yourself a free lunch anyway.  Most importantly, money is in your pockets already. (EcoHouse, anyone?)
  8. Oh, did I mention to include selling more garbage stuffs to UPSELL during your seminar besides the fees? Making your audience cry, excited, motivated and whatever during seminar is scientifically proven to set to fill your pockets with more money.
  9. Remember: You’re the magician and movie director. The better the stage set-up, the more money you’ll make.
Get Real. Stick to Classics.
These seminars usually charge somewhere in the range of $3,000 to $5,000 or more for a 2 to 3 day program. They use annoying marketing tactics to sell you stupid programs, “Only those who’re willingly to invest heavily in their financial education will attain financial wealth.” Blah…Blah…Blah…
There are no shortcuts or secrets that will get you there faster. Hard work is the answer and paying for overpriced products has nothing to do with it.
Paying an overpriced 4-figure dollar sum for a seminar by unproven individuals is akin to overpaying for a broken car sold by a crook resale car salesman. – His claims against yours.  Unless they are conducted by highly reputable learning institutions by real professionals with recognised qualifications, you have no business to be in any of these seminars or paying expensively.
There’re some ‘down-to-earth’ seminars by real individuals with real experiences. They are priced very affordably without the hype.  Reason – They’re in the business of investing and not in the business of selling seminar tickets. They educate reality, not sell dreams.

Bottom line
You don’t need to spend a lot of money to educate yourself financially. What would be the hardest is cutting through the propaganda, marketing BS, get-rich claims and more. Never let scammers steal your hard-earned money.

PS: Think on this – Did you believe the ‘gurus’ really spend many hundred hours of his precious money-making time trying to write up a 300-page book (average 200,000 word count) all by themselves?
They most likely has never written anything more than a 100-word essay since high school. Truth be told! Look around and dare anyone to compose a 1,000 word blog post with ease, much less a book!

FYI – Every articles are painstakingly written by myself for my readers – without ghost writers. Depending on content, each 1000-word article takes up an average 4-5 hours and a tremendous amount of brain juice, leaving you dead pan exhausted after.

