Somdet, LP Wong (Amulet 199)

LP Wong, Wat Pariwas, Bangkok, Thailand
The collector says this somdej amulet is made circa 2485. Rare and seldom seen.
Original & beautiful.  1st in competition.
For ref


他是虎王龍波班的傳人,製作銅老虎,其法術是刀槍不入保平安;其次則是和合人緣( metta maha saneh ),代表作為人緣鳥。

1、          帕拉邁大師:也是他的剃度師,教導龍波汪泰國醫學及「神聖之眼」的法術。
2、          龍波年(lp Nium Wat BangWua):教導他如何製作製牌所需的聖物。
3、          龍波龐(lp Pum Wat Banglonok):教導他高階的禪定。
4、          龍波班(lp Parn Wat Mongkolkotawa):教導他用融銅做老虎。
5、          龍波旺本人很愛看書,所以從書中得到了甚多古代的法術知識。

龍波本人在他30歲時(2478)開始製做自己的聖粉,使用阿贊多所傳下的方法,以patamung 與 ittijay二種聖粉為主。


Biography of LP Wong:
LP Wong or Phra Kru Khantayaphirom of Wat Pariwas was born Saturday 7 June B.E.2445 (C.E.1902). LP Wong was ordained at Wat Pariwas when he was 23 years old on Wednesday 17 June B.E.2468 (C.E.1925). LP Wong went to study the magic and meditation from many places and guru monks such as LP Choei of Wat Prodket Chettharam, LP Mai of Wat Pariwas, LP Noi of Wat Dan, Wat Thong Thammachad, LP Sampuem and Wat Maha That. Moreover, LP Wong studied the magic from LP Parn of Wat Khlong Dan from the dream. LP Wong passed away on 2 August B.E.2523 (C.E.1980).
