Somdet, LP Pae Pan Sam 3, 2516 (Amulet 400)

Somdej Roon 3 Phan (Mineral version, no takrut) Luang Phor Pae Wat Phikultong, Singburi province circa 2516 (1973) 一分钱一分货. You get what you pay for. Original and extremely beautiful For ref

If you have one, please don't exchange as the unscrupulous or lowballers will use a real one and say yours is either cheap or fake and exchange it with your prized possession. Many novices have been conned and cheated in this manner. If the unscrupulous do approach you, tell them you'll buy from them at their price. For instance if they offer $50, you can counteroffer and ask them to sell to you if they have to which they'd have all sort of excuse. Only invest according to your budget. Don't overstretch. Don't believe in sensational stories as they are all cooked up to lure the gullible for the house/seller to exit with gargantuan profit. The amulet market is highly manipulative, contriving and not for the faint-hearted. It's akin to the financial markets. You will see all types of people, the good, the bad, the ugly. Take it as character building. Human behaviour never change. Market never change. It is always accumulation and distribution. And, If the Price Seems Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is.
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