Chuchok / Hoon Pa Yon (Amulet 196)

Chuchok / Hoon Pa Yon by LP Kloy, Wat Pukowthong, Phatthalung

Stamp model Nur Thongdaeng (Copper)

Circa 2553

Only reasonable offers and requests will be considered and responded. Few sets available.  

Chuchok. You can ask for fortune, wealth, a beautiful wife, and unexpected richness from the amulet known as Chuchok’s idol.

Chuchok is thought by many Thais to be one of the very best amulets for bringing wealth and granting wishes. The amulet takes the form of an old beggar named “Chuchok”.

He was an old barman from Kalingkarat Province and was born to be a merit partner of Wesandorn Bhodhisat as “the taker” and “the giver” he was the one who fulfilled the merit power of Wesandorn Bhodhisat.

Chuchok became very rich from being a beggar. Among amulets listed on board of magic and mysterious objects, Chuchok is recognized as excellent in fortune and favour. Senior monks and magicians like to create this idol for their disciples because it brings about good luck to business.

Luang Phor Goy

who was a pioneer of ancient Cambodian Magic. Luang Phor Goy, officially named Luang Phor Goy Dharmapalo, is the current abbot of Wat Khaodintai and is respected as one of the most sacred Khmer monks living today.

Previously Luang Phor Pian of Wat Tanon Huk, Burirum Province, was the most famous guru monk, highly respected for his Khmer sacred power.

Even Luang Tumrong Navaswas, the former communication minister invited him to preside over the ceremony to bless the Rian Luang Por Mongkol Borpitr B.E.2485 amulets.

Luang Phor Goy, was previously called Mr.Sa-nga Rompakon, born to the family of Mr.Kun and Mrs.Tiao, a Khmer couple who lived in Burirum Province. In total the family comprised of three offspring namely Mr.Sa-nga(Luang Por Goy), Mr.Satom and Mrs.Piab.

After Luang Por Goy was ordained aged 20 years he was to relocate to Cambodia where he studied magic sciences from a very sacred monk known as Luang Phor Suwuern, who taught him how to create sacred robots and Phra Khun Paen amulets, etc.

Several years later, he had moved to Seam Reap, an ancient Cambodian town, to gain further experience and knowledge. He learnt arcane secrets from some of Cambodia's most sacred ascetics who dwelt in the deep jungles. It was here that he also learned the art of creating some of the most efficacious Guman Thong and how to call the spirits.

He returned to Thailand and took up residence at Wat Khaodintai which he helped to renovate before finally becoming the Abbot. he has remained at the temple since.

He has never stopped learning sacred sciences, studying magic from Luang Phor Jia, a senior monk at Wat Prasat, famous for his Pha Yant believed to protect worshipers from danger and evil whilst increasing personal charm and attractiveness.


Biography of LP Kloy:

LP Kloy Anomo of Wat Phu Khao Thong, Phatthalung province is a direct disciple of Khao Oor’s field (School of magic science south of thailand) because he is a nephew of LP Eiat of Wat Don Sala. LP Kloy was born on February 9th B.E. 2472 (C.E.1929) at Ban Makok Neua, Phatthalung province thus now he is 83 years old. LP Kloy was ordained on March 1st B.E.2493 at wat Kuan Pantaram by LP Rattanaphirat and announce by Phra Maha Jerm Tipemo (Wat Don Sala). Now LP Kloy is the abbot of Wat Phu khao Thong. 

LP Kloy following in every ancient procedure taught by Phra Ajahn Eiat. The effectiveness of the Hoon payon "Ta Pa Khao" and Pidta Mahayan neua Mahawan Kao (White herbs) and Neua Mahawan Dam (Black Herbs) also follow the ancient procedure pass down from Phra Ajahn Eiat. Phra Ajahn Eiat teaches LP Kloy that whenever He wants to consecrate amulets He must do it with goodness and effectiveness not just for collecting because every amulet that LP Kloy consecrated, if people were to use it for bad purpose, not only the user will recieve bad kamma but LP Kloy will also recieve.


You can ask for fortune, wealth, a beautiful wife, and unexpected richness from the amulet.

Chuchok is thought by many Thais to be one of the very best amulets for bringing wealth and granting wishes. the amulet takes the form of an old beggar named “Chuchok”.

He was an old barman from Kalingkarat Province and was born to be a merit partner of Wesandorn Bhodhisat as “the taker” and “the giver” he was the one who fulfilled the merit power of Wesandorn Bhodhisat.

Chuchok became very rich from being a beggar. Among amulets listed on board of magic and mysterious objects, Chuchok is recognized as excellent in fortune and favour. Senior monks and magicians like to create this idol for their disciples because it brings about good luck to business.



Ohm Namo Bhothisatto Khan-ha Chaly Kumaro Ohm Mattirach Kunaro Cha-hang-hang-me Sattasawahom

Ohm Sitti Sitti Choochaka Satta Sawaha.


Ohm Namo Chooharang Buddha Sangka Khaka


Chuchok’s story comes from Wesandorn Jatarka, the last life of great worthiness or so-called Poramat Barami (the ultimate worthiness) of the Buddha. At that time, he was born as Prince Wesandorn. It was a preparation for his enlightenment in the future. Wesandorn is one of the stories of the former incarnations of the Lord Buddha. There are 13 chapters. It is believed that listening to all 13 chapters in one day brings about great merit.

Chuchok’s story is mentioned in chapter 5 onwards. Those who make a donation for the sermon of Chuchok’s story will be born in a high-class family, own many assets and have rhetoric. They will have a handsome husband and a beautiful wife. Also their children will be cute and obedient.

According to the sermon, Chuchok was a Brahmin living in Kalingkarat Province. He went about begging donations and was able to collect a small fortune. He was very stingy and knew how to save and gradually saved his money until he had 100 Kasap. At that time, he was considered as a rich man. He took all money to entrust to a friend who was also a Brahmin, and departed once again to travel the country begging. As for his friend who was looking after the money, he grew poorer, so he took Chuchok's money which he had entrusted to him, and spent it all. When Chuchok remembered, he returned to claim his money. The Brahmin couple did not have any money to repay him so they offered their daughter, Amittada, to be Chuchok's wife. Amittada was a young beautiful girl. She told Chuchok that “My life belongs to you. From now on, you can keep me as a maid at home or as a wife. I can sleep at your feet and do everything for you.” It is said that Chuchok had a very beautiful wife, in that life, because he had offered a cloth with a bunch of lotus flowers to the Lord Buddha in a previous life. Whereas Amittada had offered a blooming lotus that she had smelt with her own nose before giving to to the Lord Buddha. As a consequence she had an old husband, Chuchok. Chuchok was a very old and ugly man. When he took Amittada to his village named Tunawit, Amittada cared for Chuchok her husband in the proper manner. Many Brahmin men in that district became dissatisfied with their own wives because their behaviour did not match that of Amittada. All the Brahmin women were cursed because of Amittada. As a result the women went to curse her in return. When Amittada had gone down to the waters edge she was cursed and repelled. The Brahmin women cursed and mocked her, saying that her husband was ugly. She felt ashamed and heartbroken, and returned home. She told her husband Chuchok the events of that day and said that from now on she was not going to work; Chuchok said he would have to do the work himself, but Amittada would not accept that because her family had never used a husband as a slave. Finally, she asked Chuchok to find a slave for her otherwise she would not live with him.


Hoon PaYon can be made from many materials such as soil, metal, bamboo etc. In the past history, Hoon PaYon was created to take care of the house, office, farm and car from thief, protecting the owner from black magic, evil spirits and any bad things. Also, to bring good fortune in business affairs to the owner. 

Figure of Hoon Payon like a human doll, old man or robot.
